Introduction to Practice-Based
Teacher Education Workshop

This workshop familiarizes participants with the basic concepts and tools of practice-based teacher education and equips them with approaches to teaching instructional practice. The next Workshops in Ann Arbor are August 1 & 2, 2024 and January 8 & 9, 2025. For the August workshop, register by July 19, 2024, and for more information, including schedules, logistics, and more, visit the registration page.

Quicklinks:     About   |     Justice   |    Registration  |   FAQ

About the workshop

A hands-on crash course in practice-based teacher education

The Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop enables teacher educators
to develop a repertoire of approaches to making teaching practices explicit to beginning
teachers and engaging them in supported practice during pre-service training.

Advancing justice and ensuring relevance 

Skillful teaching can have a major impact on student learning. Teacher educators owe it to children to provide novice teachers with high-quality professional training so that they can develop strong, equitable instructional skills and use their craft to advance teaching for social justice. Our learning experiences are designed to help enable beginning teachers to successfully enact such teaching practices day after day in their classrooms.

Engage with decompositions of teaching practice

Develop your ability to use decompositions to make teaching practice explicit to and learnable by teacher candidates.

Learn to use the Learning Cycle

Get an introduction to the Learning Cycle, and learn to employ it to identify and sequence practice-based pedagogies.

Explore teacher education pedagogies

Explore teacher education pedagogies such as simulated student interaction and using video or transcripts to see and analyze teaching practice.

A jump start on practice-based teacher education

The Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop enables teacher educators to develop a repertoire of approaches to making teaching practices explicit to beginning teachers and engaging them in supported practice during pre-service training. Our workshop will focus on the high-leverage practice of eliciting and interpreting student thinking.  Participants will develop their ability to make this practice explicit to and learnable by teacher candidates, identify and sequence practice-based pedagogies, and explore the use of video and transcripts to teach practice. 


The fee for the Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop is $350.00 + a processing fee of $9.95. This fee includes all programming and materials as well as lunch on the first day and breakfast, snacks, and beverages both days. Participants will be responsible for their own lunch on the second day of the Workshop.

Click below to register and to see full event details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Contact Information

For questions about the sessions: Francesca Forzani, TeachingWorks Deputy Director,

For questions about registration  and policies: Kyana Taylor, 


What is the refund policy?

TeachingWorks reserves the right to cancel in-person, virtual, or hybrid training or workshops before the start. TeachingWorks staff will notify participants of cancellation via e-mail. Participants will be eligible for a full refund of their registration fee. TeachingWorks will not be held responsible for any expenses incurred due to the cancellation of an event, training, or workshop.

To receive a full refund (100%) a request to cancel or withdraw must be completed 30 days prior to the first day of the event using the registration platform. For events that begin with a virtual opening session, the date of this session is the first day on record. Fifty percent (50%) will be refunded for requests received 15 days prior. No refunds will be issued for requests received within seven (7) business days of the first day of the event or failure to submit the required documentation required for participation. Registration processing fees are non-refundable.


Who should participate?

Anyone who teaches teachers is welcome at the Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop, though the event will be most applicable to methods course instructors or the equivalent. No previous experience with practice-based teacher education is necessary.


What do I need to participate in the Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop?

A laptop or tablet is required for access to digital resources. No other supplies are required.


What is the dress attire for this event?

Business casual.


What are the COVID-19 protection measures that will be taken?

Your health and safety are important to us. We will evaluate appropriate COVID-19 precautions closer to the time of the event and communicate any requirements to attendees prior to the event


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