From 2012 to 2019, TeachingWorks partnered with the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) to develop a thematic strand for the AACTE annual meeting. Review information and available materials from past TeachingWorks thematic strands in our AACTE annual meeting archive.
Moderator: Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan, TeachingWorks) Presenters: Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, University of New Mexico; Carol Lee, Northwestern University; Abby Reisman, University of Pennsylvania; Maisha Winn, University of California, Davis
Presenter: Mikkaka Overstreet, Assistant Professor, Department of Literacy Studies, English Education, and History Education, East Carolina University
Presenter: HIlary Conklin, Associate Professor, College of Education, DePaul University
Moderator: Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan, TeachingWorks) Presenters: Jason Kamras (District of Columbia Public Schools), Ernest Morrell (Teachers College, Columbia University) and Na’ilah Suad Nasir (University of California, Berkeley)
Presenter: Christopher Emdin, Teachers College, Columbia University
Presenters: Bree Picower (Montclair State University) and Casey Doyle (Newark Public Schools)
Moderator: Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan, TeachingWorks) Presenters: Paul Goren, (Evanston/Skokie Illinois School District), Jennifer Green (Urban Teacher Center), Pam Grossman (University of Pennsylvania), Etta Hollins (University of Missouri, Kansas City), Lillian Lowery (Maryland State Department of Education)
Presenters: Nicole Garcia (University of Michigan, TeachingWorks) and Sarah Kate Selling (University of Michigan, TeachingWorks)
Debi Khasnabis (University of Michigan), Catherine Reischl (University of Michigan), Susan Atkins (Ann Arbor Public Schools)
Presenters: Meghan Shaughnessy (University of Michigan), Timothy Boerst (University of Michigan)
Moderator: Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan) Presenters: Leslie Atkins (California State University-Chico), Natalie Olinghouse (University of Connecticut), Elizabeth Hinde (Arizona State University), Tim Boerst (University of Michigan)
Tim Boerst (University of Michigan School of Education), Kristine Schutz (TeachingWorks, University of Michigan)
Presenters: Deborah Loewenberg Ball (TeachingWorks, University of Michigan), Nicole Garcia (TeachingWorks, University of Michigan), Meghan Shaughnessy (University of Michigan School of Education)
Nicole Garcia (TeachingWorks, University of Michigan), Terri Ridenour (TeachingWorks, University of Michigan)
Presenters: Deborah Ball, University of Michigan; Mary Diez, Alverno College; Tina Marshall-Bradley, Paine College; Deborah Schussler, Villanova University; Moderator: Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Brandeis University
Presenters: Deborah Ball, TeachingWorks, University of Michigan; Sharon Feiman- Nemser Brandeis University; Elham Kazemi, University of Washington; Lisa Deiker, University of Central Florida
Presenters: Cap Peck, University of Washington; Bob Floden, Michigan State University; Deborah Ball, TeachingWorks, University of Michigan
Presenters: Kristine Schutz, TeachingWorks, University of Michigan; Nicole Garcia, TeachingWorks, University of Michigan
Presenters: Francesca Forzani, TeachingWorks, University of Michigan; Punita Dani Thurman, TeachingWorks, University of Michigan
Presenters: Deborah Ball, University of Michigan; Wade Boykin, Howard University; Megan Franke, University of California Los Angeles; and Elham Kazemi, University of Washington
Presenters: Deborah Ball, Laurie Sleep, and Timothy Boerst, University of Michigan
Presenters: Pam Grossman, Lisa Barker, and Michelle Brown, Stanford University
Presenters: Elizabeth Davis and Timothy Boerst, University of Michigan
Presenter: Chandra Alston, University of Michigan
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