Certificate sequence in practice-based teacher education

Designed for content methods course instructors in teacher education programs, this unique year-long learning sequence supports teacher educators to develop their competency in core pedagogies of practice-based teacher education in their own courses.

Coaching and support designed for teacher educators

Participants in our Certificate Sequence are highly motivated to adopt or improve their use of practice-based approaches to teacher education. Depending on their goals, they work with us to revise or rebuild their entire methods course or a unit inside it. We support them to do this through two in-person events followed by monthly webinars and in-depth, personalized coaching. We focus on helping participants to develop their skill in practice-based teacher education pedagogies including selecting and using video, using rehearsal to practice teaching, and attending to issues of justice and equity throughout. Participants regularly share artifacts of their work with us and with each other, and receive supportive and detailed feedback as they try out practice-based approaches and revise their teaching. Program completers leave with a dramatically improved course plan and understanding of approaches and tools that they can use for the rest of their career.

Expand your teacher education practice

Expand your teacher education practice

Learn practice-based teacher education pedagogies such as video analysis and rehearsal that intertwine content knowledge, teaching practice, and attention to issues of justice.

Learn to prepare teachers to disrupt injustice

Learn to prepare teachers to disrupt injustice

Develop competence and confidence in preparing new teachers who understand systemic inequity and who seek to use their teaching practice to disrupt patterns of injustice in classrooms, support multilingual students, and provide culturally responsive instruction.

Join our growing community

Join our growing community

Join a network of teacher educators who understand their role in supporting excellent beginning teaching in U.S. classrooms and are committed to strengthening the instructional practice of their teacher candidates by improving their own practice.

Develop competence and confidence in preparing new teachers who understand systemic inequity and who seek to use their teaching practice to disrupt patterns of injustice in classrooms, support multilingual students, and provide culturally responsive instruction.

“This is one of those experiences that is actually geared towards teaching. You learn the skills. You learn how to enact a practice. You don’t just learn a practice theoretically.

– Dr. David Kimori, 2020 certificate learning sequence fellow, Assistant Professor at Minnesota State University , Mankato.

Meet the fellows

Meet Dr. David Kimori, a mathematics and science methods and STEM instructor in the Department of Elementary and Literacy Education at MNSU, Mankato, and one of 29 fellows in the 2020 cohort of the certificate learning sequence.

Dr. David Kimori Part 1: TeachingWorks Practice-Based Teacher Education Certificate Learning Sequence Highlight

Meet Dr. David Kimori, a mathematics and science methods and STEM instructor in the Department of Elementary and Literacy Education at MNSU, Mankato, and one of 29 fellows in the TeachingWorks Practice-Based Teacher Education (PBTE) Certificate Learning Sequence. 


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