Join us for the Coaching Institute, a hands-on, two-day experience where you will learn to design and facilitate coached rehearsals with teacher candidates.
May 15–16, 2025 | Ann Arbor, MI | Fee: $650 + processing fee
Participants will choose one of two specialized strands—English Language Arts/Social Studies or Mathematics/Science—each designed to be accessible regardless of your subject-area expertise or teaching background. Together, we’ll explore the following questions:
How can we design rehearsals for teacher candidates that will help them rapidly build skill with equitable teaching practice? What coaching moves can we use that are most supportive of helping candidates build that skill?
Each day, participants will practice designing and leading rehearsals, with multiple opportunities to practice coaching and to receive feedback from TeachingWorks facilitators and their fellow participants. We build a special atmosphere that allows teacher educators the rare opportunity to talk honestly about their own practice and develop the skill and confidence to coach teacher candidates persuasively and with empathy.
-Francita McMichel, Assistant Professor of Education, Marian University, Coaching Institute participant
This workshop blends informative, facilitator-led sessions with many opportunities for participants to practice coaching in simulated rehearsal sessions. Sessions become increasingly participant-driven over the course of the two days.
A laptop or tablet is required to access digital resources. No other supplies are required.
Anyone interested in teacher education—doing it, designing it, or supporting it—is welcome.
TeachingWorks reserves the right to cancel in-person, virtual, or hybrid training or workshops before the start. TeachingWorks staff will notify participants of cancellation via email. Participants will be eligible for a full refund of their registration fee. TeachingWorks will not be held responsible for any expenses incurred due to the cancellation of an event, training, or workshop.
For a full refund (100%), participants must submit a written request to cancel or withdraw 30 days prior to the first day of the event. Fifty percent (50%) will be refunded for requests received 15 days prior. No refunds will be issued for requests received within seven (7) business days of the first day of the event or failure to submit the documentation required for participation.
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