These online courses are designed to introduce educators to What do the high-leverage practices look like in action? How are they used by teachers to support student learning? We’ve developed and archived video collections of teaching practice to help answer these questions.
We believe the high-leverage practices are the fundamentals of teaching, and we also know they can be difficult to envision through written descriptions alone. So our team works to develop collections of video and accompanying resources to help show these practices at all levels of enactment.
We worked with researchers and designers building the University of Michigan School of Education’s Teaching & Learning Exploratory (TLE) to make these video collections available to users through their secure web portal. Learn more about and explore the variety of video collections available on the TLE below (some resources require a subscription to the TLE).
The Elementary Mathematics Laboratory (EML) is a summer mathematics class taught for rising fifth graders by experienced teachers who are members of the TeachingWorks team. The EML is typically a one-to-two-week summer mathematics laboratory designed to develop strong and positive academic identities in students. Mathematics topics include such core concepts as fractions, the number line, equivalence, and place value, along with important mathematical practices, such as explaining, representing, proving, and defining.
This collection includes the Curated EML Video Clip Collection, which features a set of carefully chosen video excerpts culled from the Elementary Mathematics Laboratory video collections designed to serve as a rich resource for practice-based teacher educators. It also includes a historical collection of video and lesson artifacts from the program intended to serve as a valuable resource for people who attended the EML between 2014 and 2018.
The Measures of Effective Teaching Extension (METX) Collection includes classroom footage and scanned lesson artifacts captured during the 2011–2012 and 2012–2013 academic years. The METX project enlisted more than 350 teacher volunteers from six school districts across the United States, who collected and contributed video and other artifacts of their everyday classroom activities that document thousands of lessons.
The recorded lessons in the METX collection include a variety of English language arts and mathematics classroom topics as well as a range of lessons and activities. Many of the videos have been tagged using a tag scheme based on the Common Core State Standards and the TeachingWorks high-leverage practices. The collection also includes an array of lesson artifacts—teacher lesson plans, worksheets and handouts, homework assignments, and images of board work.
The High-Leverage Practices Video Examples Collection documents practice in classrooms in different contexts and at different levels. . This collection includes video examples of high-leverage practices being enacted in classroom settings. They provide concrete contexts to examine and discuss the work of teaching, and to get inside commonly used language and closer to the details of classroom life and develop commonly agreed upon technical language to describe the work of teaching.
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