Custom programs

When support with specific subject matter, practice-based pedagogies, or high-leverage practices is requested by K-12 schools or teacher education programs, TeachingWorks can provide custom professional learning and support tailored to unique learning goals.

Longer-term learning aimed at solving specific challenges

TeachingWorks offers customized practice-based professional learning  that helps teacher educators and K-12 school districts guide teachers and teacher candidates through material not offered in our traditional learning sets or recurring programs.

Our custom programs typically involve small group work on an ongoing basis. Our team works closely with teacher education program leaders and school administrators to determine the course content strands, high-leverage practices, and program structures that best fit their needs.

In addition to capacity-building for teachers and teacher educators—from leading a discussion to eliciting and interpreting individual students’ thinking—TeachingWorks custom programs use specific approaches to disrupting injustice and advancing equity and social justice in teaching and teacher education. 


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