Introduction to Practice-Based
Teacher Education Workshop

This workshop familiarizes participants with the basic concepts and tools of practice-based teacher education and equips them with approaches to teaching instructional practice. The next Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop will be held in August 2023 in Ann Arbor, MI. Additional information is coming soon.

If you registered for the 2023 Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop in Woodland Hills, CA, a welcome email with next steps for the event is coming soon. In the meantime, please view the event FAQ here. We look forward to seeing you in Woodland Hills!

A jump start on practice-based teacher education

The Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop enables teacher educators to develop a repertoire of approaches to making teaching practices explicit to beginning teachers and engaging them in supported practice during pre-service training. Our 2023 workshop will focus on the high-leverage practice of eliciting and interpreting student thinking.  Participants will develop their ability to make this practice explicit to and learnable by teacher candidates, identify and sequence practice-based pedagogies, and explore the use of video and transcripts to teach practice. 


Who should participate?

Anyone who teaches teachers is welcome to join the workshop, though it will be most applicable to methods course instructors or the equivalent. No previous experience with practice-based teacher education is necessary.


Advancing justice and ensuring relevance

Skillful teaching can have a major impact on student learning. Teacher educators owe it to children to provide novice teachers with high-quality professional training so that they can develop strong, equitable instructional skills and use their craft to advance teaching for social justice. Our learning experiences are designed to help enable beginning teachers to successfully enact such teaching practices day after day in their classrooms.


Location, participation, and logistics

The next Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education Workshop will be held in August 2023 in Ann Arbor, MI. Additional information is coming soon.


Fees and registration

Information about fees and the registration process is coming soon.


COVID-19 precautions

Your health and safety are important to us. We will evaluate appropriate COVID-19 precautions closer to the time of the event and communicate any requirements to attendees prior to the event.


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